Here's the trailer.

I also composed and recorded a little bit of music for a new documentary called "We share the same sea" which will be out early next year. More info soon.
Back in September I went to Greece to play two shows with my friend Michalis Siganides' band, Siganidae 5, which I forgot to mention in the previous blog post. Following is a taste of the Athens show, which I had a great time playing.
As far as recording go, we are currently mixing some tracks with The Low Spark which hopefully will be released next year as an EP. There's also a single for Plain History getting mixed at the moment, which contains two tracks. And last but not least we are working a new single for Trio Tekke with master drummer Dave De Rose, with whom we are going to be doing a little French tour in early July!
Live show are coming up so check the calendar.
Lots of love